Setting up Google Speech for @voicybot

Nikita Kolmogorov
3 min readJul 31, 2018


  1. Select or create a Cloud Platform project. Go to the projects page.
  2. Enable billing for your project (Google shouldn’t charge you yet as it provides users with a free trial). Enable billing.
  3. Turn on billing account. The button will be marked blue in the upper right corner. Google will warn you that after trial it will start charging you. Don’t worry, you can opt-out using the instructions below.
  4. Turn on Google Cloud Storage API (it might be already on) and Google Cloud Speech API. If Google asks you to create “My billing account” during the setup, agree to it. After you turn on the API’s Google will redirect you to the API configuration page. Then you can close this page.
  5. Add Google Cloud Speech API and Google Cloud Storage API to the project you created in #1.
  6. Set up authentication with a service account with Project>Owner role so you can access the API and select .json file format. Also select the project you created in #1.
  7. Send /google to @voicybot.
  8. Reply with the .json file you’ve downloaded like so:
Reply to /google command bot response (don’t just send the file)

You’re all set if @voicybot congratulates you! Didn’t work or still have questions? Seek help in the official support group — @borodutch_support. Cheers!

(Optional) how to turn off auto-payments

Keep in mind that Google Speech will stop working after you cancel the billing account. The best idea would be to turn it off right before your free trial ends.

Go here, select “My billing accounts”.

Press “My Billing Account”, find “manage” on the right.

Press “Close Billing Account”.

Google will warn you that you will turn off payments, enter “Close” and press the close account button.

Official instruction on how to close a billing account can be found here.

Issues with #3 (Billing Account)

It might be the case that something could go wrong (e.g. “activation” button can be missing). Then try to go here and create a billing account (“Create account”) in the “My Billing Account” section. If this doesn’t work, contact Google support.

Official instruction on how to create a billing account can be found here.

Error when adding API to a project

If instead of adding API to a project Google gives you the following error:

This API cannot be enabled at the moment. You may lack appropriate permissions.

Then you can try the following:

  • Turn on other API that include “Speech” and“Storage” in their names (use API search).
  • In the upper right corner press “Activate Cloud Shell”, it will open the cloud shell and try entering “gcloud services enable” there.
  • Check if you activated “Billing Account”. Google API doesn’t work without it.

If nothing worked, try to contact Google support. Solutions above were taken from here.

P.S., million thanks to @art_okunkov for updating this manual.



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